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The United Career Coalition (UCC) works to help students find support to develop their career path with intergovernmental organisations such as the United Nation (U.N).

UCC was created with a sole purpose to help others increase their access to advice for applications, recruitment, interviews and learn more about a career at the United Nations system.

Die Suche nach der „richtigen“ Organisation und Stelle im System der Vereinten Nationen kann zu einer erfüllenden Karriere führen, bei der man die Chance erhält, eine sinnhafte Arbeit zu finden. Es bedeutet, mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt zusammenzuarbeiten, verschiedene Kulturen kennenzulernen, zu Reisen und die eigenen multikulturellen Teamfähigkeiten zu stärken.

Gaining a job at the United Nations however isn’t like most professions and requires some thought around how to build one's experience and skills to a desired role and how to prepare for the sometimes rather complex and time-consuming application and interview process.

Having worked for the U.N. for over a decade and being familiar with the U.N. values, processes, structures as well as communication guidelines, me and my team at UCC provide expert advice through e.g. webinars, events, guides and 1:1 coaching sessions on how to best prepare for an international career with an intergovernmental organisation like the U.N., the World Bank as well as International Development Banks.

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