
Contact details
base – homes for students GmbH
Gymnasiumstraße 85 (1190 Wien)
Tel.: +43 1 369 54 90
Bank details:
UniCredit Group
IBAN: AT331100004444204400
ECG information
VAT ID no.: ATU 15736808
Company register: 85216v
Registry court: Handelsgericht Wien
in accordance with the Austrian Media Act (Mediengesetz) Art. 25
Managing Director:
Dipl. -Ing. Thomas Lebinger
Joint Procuration: Werner Knauss
Shareholders: 95% WSE Wiener Standortentwicklung GmbH, 5% Wien Holding GmbH
Photo rights
Victoria Posch
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Unter „Compliance“ ist die Einhaltung aller Gesetze, Verordnungen und Richtlinien sowie von vertraglichen Verpflichtungen und freiwillig eingegangenen Selbstverpflichtungen zu verstehen. Dementsprechend sind nicht nur Gesetzesverstöße, sondern auch Handlungen, die gegen selbst erlassene Vorschriften wie beispielsweise die Satzung, den Gesellschaftsvertrag, Geschäftsordnungen, interne Richtlinien und Verhaltensvorschriften des jeweiligen Unternehmens beziehungsweise des Konzerns verstoßen, als compliancerelevant anzusehen.
In addition to public criticism and the associated loss of image, legal violations can also lead to liability cases and high fines. In order to reduce or avoid the risk of violations of the law and internal rules in advance, the Code of Conduct and the Compliance Management System came into force in the Wien Holding Group on 1 January 2016 and were communicated to the employees. The Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the Group and communicates the principles and values of Wien Holding. The compliance manual regulates the organisation as well as the tasks and competences within the compliance management system. Decentralised compliance officers have been appointed in the subsidiaries, who act as contact persons in the companies and regularly report to the Chief Compliance Officer of Wien Holding on the current status.
Whistleblowing system
The EU Directive on the Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches of EU Law ("EU Whistleblowing Directive") entered into force in December 2021 and was implemented with the Whistleblower Protection Act. In accordance with the EU Directive, the law provides for the establishment of a body for the confidential reporting of EU law violations.
You can reach the ombudsman's office under the following contact details:
Website: Whistleblowing system
Phone-Hotline: +43 660 - 104 21 55 (weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm)
Mail adress: